Don’t be fooled by the picture… a hall escape is not running out from a big lounge!

A hall escape is a team-based game where the players solve puzzles to achieve a specific goal. The dynamics is similar to an escape room, but the whole game takes place in the same room and usually all game elements are contained in a box (being a portable game). The goal doesn’t include escaping. The game master can be inside the room during the whole game. Hall escapes generally admit several players and have a competitive format among various teams of 4-6 players, although there are also non-competitive hall escapes with regular escape room capacity.

Being portable games with capacity for a large number of players, hall escapes are suitable for events and company team-buildings.

Some of the brands owning hall escapes set a room in their facilities for such games, which is decorated and provided with sound and effects to achieve a better immersion. Most of hall escapes in our ranking develop in rooms of this type.

We consider escape rooms and hall escapes in the same ranking. The player profile is generally the same. In addition, the experience provided by an escape room and a hall escape is not different than that provided by two distinct types of escape room. Hence, we consider our rated items comparable for both categories, even the atmosphere, since, as we explain in our criteria, the atmosphere is not only the decoration but the combination of many elements and their adaptation to the game.