Our rankings are the result of a strictly personal rating, based on the experience lived in each room, of some items we consider relevant.

Final mark. Result of the average of all items, where the global experience has a weight of 40%.

Recommendation. Level of recommendation of the room. From the lowest to the highest:

  • Skippable. A game that, according to our personal opinion, we don’t recommend.
  • Playable. You can play it, but probably there are better alternatives.
  • Recommendable. A decent game.
  • Highly Recommendable. You will enjoy it a lot.
  • Unmissable. You really can’t miss it.
  • LEGENDARY. You will remember it forever.

Global experience. General sensation of fun, emotion and satisfaction provided by the game.

Plot. Theme and story previous to and during the development of the game, and how is told.

Introduction. Introduction performed before (if any) and at the arrival to the room: if it pulls you directly into the story, if it uses adapted and integrated mystery elements and/or actors, importance it has in the game, place where it is performed, effect on the players and how it favors the immersion.

Immersion. Sensation of being part of the story and the game, at the beginning of and during the adventure.

Atmosphere. Decoration, sound, effects, spaces, and other elements of the room, as well as their adequacy to the game.

Development. Fluency of the game, its ability to keep the interest high and its adaptation to the theme.

Puzzles. We value the originality and the logic of the puzzles, the adaptation of their amount to the game time, the mental challenge they require and their integration to the theme, story and atmosphere.

Ending. Epilogue of the story and the way the game ends. Every game has an ending, hence we do not consider this as a spoiler but an important part of the experience.

Teamwork. How much the game favors teamwork, cooperation and participation of all members. We consider teamwork as a positive item, not only because of teamwork rewarding feeling (that not everyone would necessarily agree), but because, by favouring teamwork, an escape room guarantees the full experience for every individual, avoiding periods of someone being out of the game.

Game Master. We value the skills in guiding the game and intervening only in the proper moments for a better experience, the acting if applicable and the personal treatment to the players.

Fear level. Only in the reviews of horror-themed games. By default and unless otherwise indicated, for rooms in which you can choose among different fear intensities, we rate the most intense level. From the lowest to the highest: light, medium, bring a diaper.