Escapeway (Madrid)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-7 players
  • Theme: Adventure
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Playable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: July 2017 (3 players)

One of the best rooms to start with

We were strongly advised to start with this room and, after playing, we have recommended it to other players. Because it is a linear accessible game, fairly decent in almost every aspect: a proper atmosphere, varied puzzles, some nice effects… and Indiana Jones theme also helps. It will not surprise expert players, but it is one of the best ways to get acquainted with the basic elements of an escape room: immersion, the solution of a puzzle, an effect, padlocks, mechanisms, teamwork, time pressure… these are always surprising the first time, but they can be more or less remarkable according to their presentation; and El Misterio de la Calavera de Cristal hits the spot.

Very decent in almost every aspect… except for certain mechanism that gets stuck for most of the groups (even though it didn’t fail in our case) and a fairly improvable game master work.

We didn’t really know what a game master was back then. After we played, we thought that the hint system was a recording and the game master was someone just watching through the cameras in case of a problem, since hints were never given on time and most of them were related with tasks we had already completed. Unlike in El Escondite del Hacker, the game master was not rude. After talking to other players, we realized that some of them had a similar experience but others didn’t suffer the lack of coordination of the game master.

Despite the game allows up to 7 players, we recommend it for no more than 4-5 players, even for very beginners. On the other hand, we recommend it for 2-3 expert players.

In any case, it is a recommendable room in general, especially to start with.