Adventure Rooms (Madrid)

  • Time: 80 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Adventure
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Recommendation: Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: February 2020 (2 players)

Fans won’t be disappointed

The 7 kingdoms are plunged into chaos, winter is coming, and the white walkers will reach the wall in 80 minutes… There’s only one way to restore the peace: the dragon fire. But these creatures have not been seen by humans for centuries. According to an ancient writing, a grand master of the Phoenix house hid in a castle the elements for a ritual to invoke the dragons. Will you get to infiltrate the castle and perform the ritual before it’s too late?

As every room based in something popular, like the TV series Game of Thrones, the main question is: will the game disappoint the fans? In this case the answer is no, fans won’t be disappointed. An elaborated context and a very detailed decoration will take care of that.

Regarding puzzles, they are integrated, quite original and varied. Even if some of them can be recognized from a mobile escape room game, it’s great to see them well fit into the plot. You can also find certain very nice elements during the game. The level of difficulty is low, not because the puzzles are easy themselves, but because the game is very short for the 80 minutes they provide (and charge for).

As improvable aspects, we need to mention the game masters. We played divided into two teams in different sessions and in both cases the game master acted with no enthusiasm, before, during and after the game. In one of the sessions, we suffered a reset mistake, a hint revealing and spoiling the solution of a puzzle we would find out later. It is also worth to mention a trapdoor that the player shouldn’t be able to open since, through it, the main element of the ending will be visible. Anyway, it is a new game and we are sure it will improve with time.

A good game in general, especially for the Game of Thrones fans.