Abduction (Badalona, Barcelona)

  • Time: 70 minutes
  • Capacity: 3-8 players
  • Theme: Adventure
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: May 2019 (4 players)

We hoped to have more…

Among companies that, in the last few years, were able to keep pace with the sector development, Abduction undoubtedly ranks high in Spain. Innovating, betting on different rooms with a fairly original approach.

Abduction Enterprises is the company’s fourth creation, drawing inspiration from Batman, one of the most emblematic characters of the American comic book publisher DC Comics. This subject together with incredible facilities give the room a great potential that, nevertheless, is only partially seized, in our opinion. The room is really fun, riddles are original and collaborative, and there are various “wow” elements. But, on the other hand, the game lacks a plot (when Batman could be a source of inspiration), immersion decreases at some points, and the adventure seemed too short for us taking into account that up to 70 minutes are available.

Summarizing, Abduction Enterprises is a 100% recommendable room and we’d play it again, even if we hoped to have more. In any case, we look forward to the next escape room by Abduction… with no doubt it will be another big success!