Action House (Madrid)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Mystery
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: October 2019 (2 players)

Among the best rooms in the capital

Your journalism professor, Alejandro Altarriba, disappeared under mysterious circumstances while investigating a case… For some reason he trusts you can help him. If you are brave enough to try it, you will have A GREAT TIME.

Because Action House has a unique style in its games. With no doubt, it’s on the podium of escape rooms in Madrid and among the top rooms in Spain, despite the limitations the capital experienced at the beginning: expensive rents, small locals, and a too young escape room culture for opening rooms in the suburbs or investing a big amount of money in technology. Then, how did they do it? With well-developed games, very original storylines and something different: actors with a special importance in the games. Ah… and a touch of a very characteristic humor! All carried out with mastery and accuracy to provide high quality immersion and enjoyment.

In addition, despite being often fully booked, after several years they have remade their games to be completely replayable. Un Caso Perdido: Más Perdido Que Nunca is the sequel of Un Caso Perdido, which set the bar very high. Those who played the latter will recognize references to that story, although it is not necessary at all to fully enjoy the new experience. Actually, we liked the previous game even more (in our opinion the story was a little more complex and the interaction with the game was better), but we emphasize that the remake is up to scratch, we clap they succeeded in making us enjoy like the first time, and we highly recommend it!