Estrategy (Terrassa, Barcelona)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-7 players
  • Theme: Horror
  • Fear level: Bring a diaper (better, more than one)
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Unmissable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: August 2019 (3 players)

For intense experiences lovers

Ellebanna, in a mirror, is the name of the diabolic doll that starred in some feature films related to The Conjuring saga, one of the most popular among paranormal horror movies of the last years. But it’s more than a reflection of its sinister presence what you perceive in this escape room for those who love intense experiences.

Weeks ago, perturbing news spread that the famous doll Annabelle disappeared from the Warren museum in Connecticut. Little is known about this mystery, but everything seems to have happened in strange circumstances. Great worry prevails: “Not only because it’s the most famous piece of the collection, but also because the doll possesses a paranormal power making it really dangerous”, the expert Barbara Gurt says. Hence the Warren family offers a great reward to those who succeed in finding it. One of the hypotheses that gathered strength is that Annabelle went back to the place where everything began… its home in Terrassa.

Intense, very intense, probably the most intense escape game we played so far. It’s difficult to explain with words what happens inside this room… as soon as you step into, you feel like you don’t know what is going on, that you don’t have the control… And this is the result of combining two fundamental elements: an acting by a well-known game master with no limits and a game development that forces you to be part of the plot and prey of the terrifying apparitions that live in.

More experience than escape room, it’s a source of controversial opinions, especially for the level of intensity of the game master interventions in the “realistic mode” (three game modes are currently available: mystery, horror and realistic). We must say that, in our case, the game master perfectly calibrated the acting since the very beginning, pushing up to our limits but without overdoing it… and we loved it! We recently saw in the web page of the room that a new “extreme mode” will soon be implemented, with the duration of two hours (for up to 4 people).

We believe that, in some way, Ellebanna will not leave you indifferent.