Overtime (Pamplona)

  • Time: 85 minutes
  • Capacity: 3-4 players
  • Theme: Special forces
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: LEGENDARY

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: October 2020 (3 players)

An extremely complete game to live a great action movie

This time Menéndez kidnapped three high officers of Shadow Island city and holds them prisoner in an area of safe houses under the control of his right-hand man, Regan, who’s asking for 3-6 hostages each hour in exchange for keeping them alive. As the Ghost team (inspired by the Special Forces of the videogame Call of Duty: Ghosts), you will take advantage of this great opportunity to infiltrate… GO, GO, GO!

An action movie from beginning to end. A long one. You will have to overcome a large number of varied puzzles and hazards, original and well integrated. And carry through with very diverse game and role-playing mechanics, being part of an immersive and complex plot, surrounded by a fairly achieved atmosphere.

One of the most complete and fun games we’ve played. Simply spectacular!