Fox In A Box (Madrid)

  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-6 players
  • Theme: Prison
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendation: Skippable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: December 2020 (4 players)

Kitty In A Box?

Although many people criticize Fox In A Box for being a franchise, we have to say that we usually enjoy a lot their games; maybe they’re not worth of top expectation, but they are entertaining enough and always have a special element or moment. We like some of them more than others, but this is the first time we got disappointed.

First of all, even if we think that it’s re-playable compared to the previous Prison Break, it’s not a totally different adventure as it is announced in the website; in fact the structure and design of the game are very similar.

The facilities include the Spoiler Bar, a urban-aesthetic space where you can drink something before or after the game. The reception desk has views of the bar and, once the payment is done, you will be asked to wait in a spot inside the installation (in our case waiting was long, approximately 10 minutes). Then, there is a modest attempt of immersive introduction with acting, which is better than nothing, but along with the above it left a taste of industrialization of the sector that we didn’t get at their previous facilities.

The game starts properly, decoration and atmosphere are well achieved, and there are some nice elements typical of Fox In A Box. But the riddles, quite rambling and often with unclear solutions, dragged our experience down. Puzzles themselves are not difficult, but the weak relation between them and their solutions, and the excessive presence of deterrent elements, make the flow completely disappear. This is beyond having to try a combination in several padlocks; there are elements that could perfectly be a game but are eventually useless. It seems like they wanted to stuff puzzles that may be individually cool but don’t fit together, resulting in an adventure very far from being fluent.

In our opinion, an escape room with individual elements with a big potential but providing a very poor experience.