Wolfcrow (Sabadell, Barcelona)

  • Time: 70 minutes
  • Capacity: 2-4 players
  • Theme: Horror
  • Fear level: Medium
  • Difficulty: Medium/Hard
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommendable

Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating.

Date we played: August 2021 (2 players)

The most profitable space to date!

The little girl of the Ross family, Epiphany, disappeared. You must find her… Well, we don’t know whether you’ll find her or not, but we do know that you will be gladly surprised!

How masterfully used the space is won’t be unnoticed, since in a very small place they succeed to provide an excellent quality experience (the reason why they planned it to be like this is interesting: their kind game masters will be pleased to share it with you). The room excels in puzzles, which are fun, difficult, and abundant, making the game a challenge. The fear level is medium, close to high. The capacity of the room is 2-4 players: we recommend 2-3 players for expert teams and 3-4 players for beginner teams due to the difficulty.

A delight worth to be played, which will leave a very good taste.