Escape Rooms Blog & Rankings - Spain

Author roombero

Experiencia Verde: El Escondite del Hacker (Green Experience: The Hacker’s Hideout)

Colors by Experiencity (Madrid) Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: March 2020 (3 players) Excellent green dye! Similarly as in the 1.0 version, after many years serving the population and investigating the dark interests… Continue Reading →

Juego de Dragones (Game of Dragons)

Adventure Rooms (Madrid) Time: 80 minutes Capacity: 2-6 players Theme: Adventure Difficulty: Easy Recommendation: Recommendable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: February 2020 (2 players) Fans won’t be disappointed The 7 kingdoms are plunged… Continue Reading →

The Turing Test

Pandora Room (Madrid) Time: 60 minutes Capacity: 2-6 players Theme: Classic Difficulty: Medium Recommendation: Skippable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: June 2019 (3 players) Totally avoidable The Turing test is the acid test… Continue Reading →

Atrapado en un Cuarto con un Zombie (Trapped in a Room with a Zombie)

Room Escape Adventures (Madrid) Time: 60 minutes Capacity: 4-12 players Theme: Suspense Difficulty: Medium/Hard Recommendation: Skippable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: January 2020 (9 players) Almost a scam Based on the North American… Continue Reading →

El Secuestro (The Kidnapping)

Cubick (Mataró, Barcelona) Time: 80 minutes Capacity: 2-7 players Theme: Mystery Difficulty: Medium/Hard Recommendation: Unmissable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: July 2018 (5 players) Cubick’s high quality María, the daughter of an important… Continue Reading →

La Historia de Charlotte (The Story of Charlotte)

Whitechapel (Barcelona) Time: 70 minutes Capacity: 2-6 players Theme: Horror Fear level: Bring a diaper (better, more than one) Difficulty: Medium Recommendation: LEGENDARY Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: May 2019 (4 players) Terrifyingly… Continue Reading →


Lost SG (Singapore) Time: 60 minutes Capacity: 2-12 players Theme: Mystery Difficulty: Easy Recommendation: Skippable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: September 2017 (3 players) Bad approach and bad game We selected the brand… Continue Reading →

El Cóctel del Doctor (The Doctor’s Cocktail)

Insomnia (Berga, Barcelona) Time: 60 minutes Capacity: 2-6 players Theme: Horror Fear level: Bring a diaper Difficulty: Medium Recommendation: Unmissable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: June 2018 (5 players) Try it, you will… Continue Reading →

Route planner: Spain

Why playing escape rooms in Spain? General scene In 2013 the first escape room in Spain was opened. From then on, the scene has been growing, especially in the last years, increasing by a factor of five. Spain is, according… Continue Reading →

El Escondite del Hacker (The Hacker’s Hideout)

Escapeway (Madrid) Time: 60-70 minutes Capacity: 3-8 players Theme: Espionage Difficulty: Very Hard Recommendation: Skippable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: April 2018 (5 players) Very nice game if you don’t need the game… Continue Reading →

Cien Años de Perdón (One Hundred Years of Forgiveness)

Overtime (Pamplona) Time: 60 minutes Capacity: 2-5 players Theme: Special forces Difficulty: Medium/Hard Recommendation: Unmissable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: February 2019 (3 players) Tons of tension In Spanish there is a proverb… Continue Reading →

Mobile escape games

After playing many, instead of reviewing and rating all of them, we just chose the games we consider unmissable among those that, due to their design and playability, an escape room player would probably like. Killer Escape 1, 2 &… Continue Reading →

Catalepsia (Catalepsy)

Horror Box (Barcelona) Time: 30 minutes Capacity: 2 players Theme: Horror Fear level: Light Difficulty: Medium Recommendation: Unmissable Check position in our ranking and our detailed rating. Date we played: June 2018 (2 players) Excellent game for two people Catalepsy… Continue Reading →

Route planner: Israel

What’s in Israel? Israel is much more than what shown in the media. In fact, it is one of the most surprising and fascinating countries for any traveler, and that is why it’s on the rise as a tourist destination…. Continue Reading →

Route planner: Budapest

Worth to plan a route in Budapest? In 2011 Parapark opened in Budapest the first escape room in Europe. It was the first city where the phenomenon developed, but it didn’t follow the pace of other places. If you are… Continue Reading →

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